Peristaltic Pump Gilson

Peristaltic Pump - MINIPULS® 3 Gilson


  • สามารถปรับอัตราการไหลโดยการปรับความเร็วมอเตอร์ในช่วง 0  ถึง 48 รอบต่อนาที
  • สามารถเลือกใช้สายชนิด PVC, Silicone, Phamed หรือ Fluoro elastomer
  •  มี Contact Closure สำหรับควบคุมการทำงานจากอุปกรณ์อื่น



        Standard Model

         High Flow Model

  • อัตราการไหล 0.05 ml/min - 40 ml/min
  • อัตราการไหล 5 – 220  ml/min
  • ชนิด Pump Head : 1,2, 4 หรือ 8 ช่อง
  • ชนิด Pump Head : 2 หรือ  4 ช่อง
  • ลูกกลิ้งรีดสาย : 10 Stainless Steel Rollers
  • ลูกกลิ้งรีดสาย : 5 Stainless Steel Rollers


Pulse-Free Flow Peristaltic Pump!

Gilson's reputation has been built on the extreme precision and accuracy of its products.By driving the liquid flow with as many as 10 rollers, MINIPULS 3 is able to produce smooth, pulse free flows, with excellent accuracy and precision, even at high flow rates.



Flow rate Standard model: 0.3 µL/min to 30 mL/min (72 psi/5 bar/0.5 MPa max)
High flow model: 1 mL/min to 220 mL/min (42 psi/3 bar/0.3 MPa max)
Peristaltic tubing diameter Standard model: 0.25 to 4 mm (i.d.)
High flow model: 2 to 8 mm (i.d.)
Head speed Continuous adjustment from 0 to 48 rpm by 0.01 rpm increments
Up to 9.99 rpm and by 0.1 increments above 10 rpm
Pump head Standard model: 1, 2, 4 or 8 channel heads with 10 stainless steel rollers per head
High flow model: 2 or 4 channel heads with 5 stainless steel rollers per head
Tubing materials PVC for most applications - Isoversinic® for chemical inertness - Silicone for biocompatibility - PharMed® for FDA and USP class 4


Operating Conditions

Motor speed stability 0.5% for any variation of line voltage - Torque or temperature
Line voltage 90V to 132V for 110 voltage selection: 180V to 264V for 220 voltage selection
Line frequency 47 to 63 Hz
Power consumption Full load 45 W at 220V - No load 35 W at 220V
Operating temperature 0-40° C No warm-up time required
Dimensions (w x h x d) 15 x 18 x 17.5 cm (5.0 x 7.1 x 6.9 in)
Weight 4 kg (9 lbs)
Input/Output options Contact closure: Two TTL-compatible inputs for control of start/stop and direction of flow
Voltage input: One 5V analog signal for variable control of motor speed
Serial: Gilson Serial Input/Output Channel (GSIOC) - RS-422A interface
Keypad functions Start - Stop - Direction of flow - Increase and decrease flow - Prime


Models & Flow Rates

   Description Ordering reference Mini flow rate
Max flow rate
Number of Channels
  Speed control module F155001 N/A N/A N/A
R1 medium flow pump head F117604 0.3 30 1
  R2 medium flow pump head F117800 0.3 30 2
R4 medium flow pump head F117606 0.3 30 4
R8 medium flow pump head F117608 0.3 30 8
R2/HF high flow pump head F117830 1000 220 2
R4/HF high flow pump head F117831 1000 220 4
*Please refer to the related tubings section for consumable information. 



Flow Rate Chart

Tubing Properties Chart

Tubing Selection Chart




Related Parts

Tubing for Medium Flow Pump Heads (Lenght= Approx. 40cm/16in)
  Material Ordering reference
(Calibrated Tubing)
Extension Tubing
Connectors Color coded stops Maximum flow rate (mL/min) Internal diameter (mm)
PVC (Tygon) F117932 F117952 F117985 0.407 0.25
F117933 F117953 F117985 0.695 0.38
F117934 F117954 F117985 1.42 0.51
F117936 F117956 F117986 2.14 0.76
F117938 F117958 F117986 4.07 1.02
F117940 F117960 F1179941 6.15 1.30
F117942 F117962 F1179941 14 1.52
F117943 F117963 F1179941 10.5 1.65
F117945 F117965 F1179941 15.7 2.06
F117946 F117966 F1179941 19.7 2.29
F117948 F117968 F1179951 23.2 2.79
F117949 F117969 F1179951 29.0 3.16
Isoversinic F1817741 F117740 F117986 1.76 0.5
F1817743 F117742 F117986 3.99 1.0
F1817745 F117744 F1179941 12.6 2.0
F117747 F117746 F1179951 27.3 3.0
F117749 F117748 N/A 33 4
Silicone (Versilic)* F1825111 F1825131 F117986 1.54 0.6
F1825112 F1825132 F117986 4.14 1.0
F1825113 F1825133 F1179951 14.7 2.0
F1825114 F117975 F1179951 22.8 2.8
Pharmed* F1825101 F1825121 F117986 1.42 0.5
F1825102 F1825122


4.80 1.0
F1825103 F1825123 F1179941 15.0 2.0
*Silicone and PharMed tubing materials are autoclavable.
Tubing for High Flow Pump Heads (Lenght= Approx. 3m/128in)
  Material Ordering reference
(Extension Tubing)
Maximum flow rate (mL/min) Internal diameter (mm)
PVC (Tygon) F117965 33 2.06
F117966 41 2.29
F117968 66 2.79
F117969 85 3.16
F117970 128 4.0
F117980 179 5.0
F117981 218 6.0
F117982 340 8.0
Isoversinic F117744 30 2.0
F117746 67 3.0
F117748 120 4.0
F117750 246 6.0
Silicone (Versilic) F1825133 31 2.0
F117975 57 3.0
F117976 105 4.0
F117977 148 5.0
F117978 207 6.0
F117979 300 7.0
Pharmed* F1825123 31 2.0
F1825124 77 3.2
F1825125 240 6.4


Technical Specification

Material PVC Silicone PharMed® Isoversinic®
Composition Polyvinyl chloride Silicone elastomer Polypropylene based material with plasticizer Fluorinated elastomer
Physical characteristics Transparent - Clear - Rigid Translucent - Beige Opaque - Beige Opaque - Black
Temperature range Up to 94°C Up to 230°C -60 to 135°C -20 to 200° C
Standards N/A N/A FDA food quality (FDA 21CFR 177.26000) - USP class VI N/A
Gas permeability Low High Low Impermeable to most gases
Sterilization Autoclaving Autoclaving or irradiation Autoclaving** Autoclaving**
Range of internal diameter 0.25 to 8 mm 0.64 to 7 mm 0.5 to 6.4 mm 0.5 to 6.0 mm
Other features Low cost Excellent biocompatibility* Long service life Excellent resistance to: Strong acids - Oxidizing agents - Aromatic solvents - Chlorinated solvents
Applications General use Biological Pharmaceutical and food Where high chemical resistance is required (e.g. ICP)
*Not recommended with strong acids, bases or solvents.
**Only for extension tubings and not for calibrated tubings (with color coded stops). 

Metal Sleeve Connectors for Small Bore Tubing

    Ordering reference
Set of 5 stainless steel connectors 0.6 mm od F117985
Set of 5 stainless steel connectors 0.8 mm od F117986
Set of 5 stainless steel connectors 1.1 mm od F117987


Plastic Connectors for Large Bore Tubing

    Ordering reference
Set of 10 PVDF connectors for 1-2 mm id tubing to 2-3 mm F1179931
Set of 10 PVDF connectors for 1-2 mm id tubing to 1-2 mm F1179941
Set of 10 PVDF connectors for 2-3 mm id tubing to 2-3 mm F1179951


Connector Kits for Flanged Tubing

    Ordering reference
Set of 5 (screw & cone) for 1.0-1.65 mm id tubing (3 mm max. od) F1825054
Set of 5 (screw & cone) for 2.0-2.3 mm id tubing (4 mm max. od) F1825056
Set of 5 (screw & cone) for 2.8-3.2 mm id tubing (5 mm max. od) F1825057
One connector (1/4"-28 TPI) to connect standard tube-end fittings to flow tubes (1 to 3 mm id) 495051



    Ordering reference
One PTFE coupler to connect high pressure tubing-end fittings between 1/4"-28 TPI and 10 mm standard thread 495036
Set of 5 PVDF couplers for linking two standard connection screws (1/4"-28 TPI) F1410050


Electrical Connector

    Ordering reference
6-pin barrier strip connector 638306512


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